Two Indian Air Force jets collided mid-flight, one pilot killed!
According to local media reports, the wreckage of the plane was found at Bharatpur in
Rajasthan and Morena in Madhya Pradesh.
A pilot was killed and two others injured when two Indian Air Force planes collided mid-flight during
a military exercise south of the Indian capital, New Delhi.
The Air Force said in a statement that the two aircraft were on a 'flight training mission' when the
accident occurred.
Both the planes had taken off from Gwalior Air Base in Madhya Pradesh, about 50 km from where
the wreckage was found. The Indian Air Force has ordered an immediate investigation to find out the
cause of the accident.
Two pilots of the Russian-made Sukhoi Su-30 aircraft were on board in the accident. The second
plane was a French-made Mirage with a pilot on board.
The first plane crashed in the Pahargarh area of Madhya Pradesh state, which is 300 km south of
New Delhi.
"The second plane may have crashed some distance away and we have sent teams to search for it
" Dharmendragore, a police officer near Mbale, told AFP. Regarding the second plane, Morena district
police officer Ashutosh Bagri told AFP that two pilots had been identified at the crash site. He has
bee flown in an Indian Air Force helicopter for medical treatment. He said that the condition of both
is out of danger.
Publisher: Hamza Rajput
Designer: Umer